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Navigating Morocco's agricultural policy : unraveling the nexus of water, food security, and trade tensions in global value chains

Auteur : Amachraa Abdelmonim
Date de publication : 10/07/2023
Type : Article
Thème : Santé humaine
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Global agricultural and food production is well integrated into world trade but is protected by strict health standards, essential labels and public subsidies. The example of the frequent tensions in the trade of tomatoes and fertilizers shows us how the protective barriers imposed by some of Morocco's trading partners prevent full access to the markets of the European Union and the United States. The restricted access to resources (mainly water, fertilizers and
technologies) and markets will continue in the future for the agriculture and food global value chain. As a result, national economies and agricultural policy will now have to meet an increasing number of standards driven by three preoccupations : (1) Food safety and consumer health; (2) The fair use of water and the minimization of environmental impacts, and, (3) The motivation of stakeholders and the respect of commitments.

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