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Food Price Inflation and Food Security : A Morocco case study = L’inflation des prix des aliments et la sécurité alimentaire : une étude de cas du Maroc

Auteur : Huppé Gabriel A., Shaw Sabrina, Dion Jason ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Rapport
Thème : Santé humaine
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Food Price Inflation
2.1 Factors That Cause Food Price Inflation
2.2 Projections and Determinants
2.3 Impacts of Food Price Inflation
3.0 Food Security
4.0 The Trade and Food Security Nexus
5.0 Morocco Case Study
5.1 The Green Morocco Plan
5.2 Food Security and Trade in Morocco
5.3 Lentils
5.4 Impact of Reducing Import Tariffs on Lentils
6.0 Policy Responses to the Food Price Inflation, Food Security and Trade Nexus
6.1 Global
6.2 Lessons Learned in the Context of the Morocco Case Study
7.0 Conclusion

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