• Producteur : Duquesne University, United States of America Mardi 21 Janvier 2020

    Duquesne Scholarship Collection

    Duquesne Scholarship Collection provides access to the research outputs of the Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Users may set...
  • Producteur : Skidmore College, United States of America Jeudi 26 Décembre 2019

    Creative Matter

    Creative Matter aims to bring Skidmore's research and creative work together under one umbrella, with the goal of both preserving and providing acc...
  • Producteur : Bennington College, United States of America Lundi 23 Décembre 2019

    Bennington College Digital Repository

    The Bennington College Digital Repository is an archive for the collection, preservation, and distribution of scholarly work and historical materia...
  • Producteur : Royal college of music (RCM), United Kingdom Vendredi 13 Décembre 2019

    Royal College of Music Research Online (RCM)

    RCM Research Online is a repository designed to support the collection, archive and publication of RCM research practice, processes and outputs.The...
  • Producteur : University for the Creative Arts (UCA), United Kingdom Mardi 23 Novembre 2010

    UCA Research Online

    UCA Research Online is the University for the Creative Arts repository for research outputs. Users may set up RSS feeds to be alerted to new conten...
  • Producteur : University of the Arts London, United Kingdom Mercredi 10 Mars 2010

    UAL Research Online

    UAL Research Online is the University of the Arts London's repository for research outputs. The aim is to store, share and preserve the research ma...
  • Producteur : School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (SOAS), United Kingdom Lundi 05 Janvier 2009

    SOAS Research Online

    SOAS Research Online is a free, publicly accessible repository of the research outputs of the School of Oriental and African Studies. The repositor...
  • Producteur : Royal College of Art, United Kingdom Lundi 24 Septembre 2012

    Royal College of Art Research Repository

    Royal College of Art Research Repository provides access to the outputs of the institution. Some items are only available to registered users. User...
  • Producteur : RADAR, Glasgow School of Art (GSofA), United Kingdom Vendredi 13 Novembre 2015

    Research Art Design Architecture Repository (RADAR)

    RADAR is the Glasgow School of Art's research repository, providing a digital archive of research and enterprise output produced by Glasgow School...
  • Producteur : Falmouth University, United Kingdom Vendredi 13 Novembre 2015

    Falmouth University Research Repository (FURR)

    Falmouth University Research Repository (FURR) is a digital archive of research and enterprise output produced by Falmouth University staff.
  • Producteur : Deutsche Sporthochschule de Cologne, Germany Mercredi 07 Janvier 2009


    eSport est une Base d'archives ouvertes de la Deutsche porthochschule de Cologne qui propose 2 accès pour consulter ses plus de 60 documents : -...
  • Producteur : Institut National du Sport et de l'Education Physique (INSEP), France Lundi 11 Juillet 2016


    Hal-INSEP assemble, diffuse et conserve la production scientifique et technique du dispositif de recherche, médical et de formation de l’INSEP : ar...
  • Producteur : Metropolitan Museum of Art, United States Mardi 17 Octobre 2017

    Collections Online

    This site provides access to artworks and related materials from the permanent collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many of the images can...
  • Producteur : Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, United Kingdom Jeudi 05 Octobre 2017

    Central Research and Creativity Online

    This is the open access repository of Central School of Speech and Drama which contains open access to its research and other creative outputs. The...
  • Producteur : Wright State University, United States Jeudi 26 Mars 2009


    Wright State University's CORE (Campus Online Repository) is a web-based system that captures, preserves, organizes, and distributes the scholarly...
  • Producteur : University of Tasmania (UTAS), Australia Mardi 28 Février 2017

    Tyler Collection of Romanian and Modern Art: University of Tasmania

    The Tyler Collection of Romanian and Modern Art comprises more than 1500 items - paintings, works on paper, sculptures, ceramics, religious icons,...
  • Producteur : Artexte, Canada Mardi 14 Mai 2013


    e-Artexte est à la fois un dépôt numérique pour documents en texte intégral traitant d’art canadien contemporain et un catalogue pour la collection...
  • Producteur : Stellenbosch University, South Africa Jeudi 13 Octobre 2016

    SUNDigital Collections

    Digital collections showcase digital content from the Library and Information Service’s unique digital collections and repositories. It offers a si...
  • Producteur : University Library of Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, Germany Vendredi 26 Décembre 2008


    ART-Dok is the full-text server of the Virtual Library for Art, arthistoricum.net and is made available by Heidelberg University Library. It offers...
  • Producteur : CESR (Centre d'études Supérieures de la Renaissance), Université François-Rabelais Tours, France Mardi 06 Avril 2010

    Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes (BVH)

    Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes est une archive thématique sur la Renaissance et l’humanisme qui propose, sous forme numérisée, une sélecti...
  • Producteur : Muhlenberg College, United States Vendredi 05 Avril 2013

    DSpace at the Trexler Library of Muhlenberg College

    DSpace at the Trexler Library of Muhlenberg College contains a wealth of art, history, and scholarship.


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