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Auteur : Deon Filmer, Halsey Rogers, Samer Al-Samarrai ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Education–Enseignement
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1- Overview : Learning to realize education’s promise
- The three dimensions of the learning crisis
- How to realize education’s promise: Three policy responses
- Learning to realize education’s promise
Part I : Education’s promise
Chapter 1 : Schooling, learning, and the promise of education
Part II : The learning crisis
Chapter 2 : The great schooling expansion—and those it has left behind
Chapter 3 : The many faces of the learning crisis
Chapter 4 : To take learning seriously, start by measuring it
Part III : Innovations and evidence for learning
Chapter 5 : There is no learning without prepared, motivated learners
Chapter 6 : Teacher skills and motivation both matter (though many education systems act like they don’t)
Chapter 7 : Everything else should strengthen the teacher-learner interaction
Chapter 8 : Build on foundations by linking skills training to jobs
Part IV : Making the system work for learning at scale
Chapter 9 : Education systems are misaligned with learning
Chapter 10 : Unhealthy politics drives misalignmentsChapter
Chapter 11 : How to escape low-learning traps

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