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Open and Distance Learning in SubSaharan Africa : A Literature Survey on Policy and Practice

Collectivite Auteur : Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
Type : Etude
Thème : Education–Enseignement
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This report is a review of the literature on current developments and prospects in the field of open and distance learning in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Education is seen as a major impetus behind fundamental change or transformation in many societies. This transformation is multi-dimensional in the sense that changes occur across various domains, including the political, cultural, social, economic, individual (intellectual) and technological.

In modern Sub-Saharan African societies, the major agent effecting the process of education has been the traditional education system, the distinguishing features of which are face-to-face interaction between teachers and learners, structured courses of study, fixed locations for learning, fixed time-tables and a system of certification.

Many nations throughout SSA have realized the paramount significance of this formal education, and have made very serious efforts to provide human and material resources for the purposes of educating the citizenry in this way. However, for various important reasons that fall outside the scope of this report, none of the countries in SSA have fulfilled the promise of providing education to the entire population through the conventional education system.

It is in this context that distance education is viewed as an appropriate method of education delivery. Distance education can be aimed at providing people who have missed an educational opportunity at one level or another a way to recapture what they have lost without necessarily going back to the classroom. In other words, distance education can provide people with a second chance to receive education.

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