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Mobile learning and initial teacher education

Auteur : Wood R.
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Article
Thème : Education–Enseignement

Résumé/Sommaire :

The advent of third generation phones and the prospect of increased speed in data transfer have developed further opportunities for both learners and teachers to meet together, access and exchange information in virtual spaces whilst on the move.

As part of a small pilot study, the potential for third generation smart phones to enhance teaching and learning processes is currently being analysed and evaluated. Five lecturers within the School of Education are each documenting their use and experience of such devices with particular focus upon the role of the teacher in designing, managing and evaluating potential learning opportunities. Prior to purchasing mobile phones, the lecturers engaged in discussion surrounding the range of features and their potential to support teaching and learning activities. Furthermore, during the initiation of this project, discussions surrounding the use of mobile phone technology within initial teacher education prompted further questions surrounding the professionality of teachers and the nature of professional development.

This paper will therefore reflect upon a developing understanding of professional practice in light of mobile learning opportunities and consider the theoretical perspectives and rationale surrounding the decisions to pilot such a project.

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