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Validation of non-formal and informal learning in the EU neighbouring countries and Central Asia : a cross-country analysis report

Auteur : Auzinger Monika, Dzhengozova Mariya, Fellinger Julia ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2024
Type : Rapport
Thème : Education–Enseignement

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Analysis of findings
1.1 The national perspective : overarching approach to VNFIL
1.2 VNFIL in the education and training sector
1.3 VNFIL in the labour market
1.4 VNFIL in the third sector
1.5 Reforms of national qualifications systems and their implication for VNFIL
1.6 Institutional setup : responsibilities, coordination
1.7 The perspective of validation providers
1.8 Validation practitioners
1.9 Information and guidance
1.10 Validation methods
1.11 Quality assurance
1.12 Funding
1.13 Beneficiaries
1.14 Monitoring of outcomes
1.15 Position of validation in society
2. Positive drivers and opoortunities
3. Areas for further work

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