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Impact of women's empowerment on children's schooling in Morocco : spatial analysis

Auteur : Ibourk Aomar, Raoui Soukaina
Date de publication : 23/08/2022
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Education–Enseignement
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This study provides a spatial analysis of the effect of women's participation on school dropout rates for the seventyfive provinces in Morocco. The empirical material of this study is collected from the database of the last national population and housing census survey 2014. Indeed, according to the results of this study. On the one hand, this study confirms the spatial dependence of female participation and the dropout rate in Morocco. Provinces with high dropout rates and female participation rates are surrounded by areas that follow the same trend. On the other hand, the female participation rate has a negative impact on the dropout rate in Morocco. Provinces that acknowledge more female participation are less likely to drop out of school for their children. This study points to the importance of increasing the choice freedom of Moroccan women for schooling and professional development.
Hence, this is a springboard to promote intergenerational human development and unquestionably meet the commitment of the 2030 agenda.

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