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Collectivite Auteur : Hope for Children Organization Australia
Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Etude
Thème : Droit et Justice
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


1- About the 2014 Global Slavery Index
2- The Methodology
- How did we measure prevalence?
- How did we measure government responses?
- How did we measure vulnerability?
3- Global Findings
- How big is the problem?
- Estimates of people in modern slavery by absolute number
- How are governments tackling modern slavery?
- Measuring vulnerability
4- Regional Analysis
- Asia Pacific
- Europe
- Russia and Eurasia
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- The Middle East and North Africa
- The Americas
5- Selected Country Studies
- Mauritania
- Uzbekistan
- Haiti.
- Qatar
- India
- Pakistan
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Sudan
- Syria
- Central African Republic
- United Arab Emirates
- Russia
- Thailand
- Nigeria
- Bangladesh
- Georgia
- Indonesia
- China
- Brazil
- United States
- Australia
- The Netherland

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