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Le système foncier au Maroc. Une sécurité et un facteur de développement durable, Au milieu urbain et rural

Auteur : M'HASSNI Mohamed, FELJY Mohamed, KHALALI Hamid
Année de Publication : 2003
Type : Article
Thème : Droit et Justice
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The real estate possession is looked at as insurance, a way of social esteem and an investment

without risk. It is a source of wealth related to the ancestral respect towards earth that shelters

human being.

The land property system in Morocco is known by its two parallels regimes playing two

complementary functions: The first manages the ancestral practices that are inspired from

Moslem right according to whom the rights are consecrated and made authentic “Adoul” acts.

The second is that property registration, instituted from 1913, is characterized by the

advertisement and the conclusive enrollments to the “property register”.

This system show many advantageous aspect some of them are the legal, the topographic, the

economic and the social, however, it still optional witch hinders its generalization.

The legal and technical property description is established via a digital cadastre, called “Legal

Cadastre” that remains sporadic because the property registration is optional. In fact, the legal

Cadastre is a part of the procedure of registration.

An other cadastre systèm with économical chacater said “National Cadastre” is put in place in

ordre to permit a better understanding of the land property structures, systématically and

quickly, it provides a plan and parcel description of the rural townships and informing on

obious owners identities.

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