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Investment feasibility study: The case of tourist residence project in Tizi’n Test

Auteur : Boudina Salma
Année de Publication : 2011
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Tourisme
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


- Chapter I: Project Framework
Section 1: Morocco's natural, cultural and infrastructure assets for developing tourism in rural areas
Section 2: Morocco's vision to develop rural tourism
- Chapter II: Marketing Study
Section 1: Project's presentation
Section 2: Market survey
Section 3: Marketing strategy
Section 4: Mix Marketing
- Chapter III: Technical study
Section 1: Space layout
Section 2: Human resources
- Chapter IV: Juridical study
Section 1: The choice of juridical entity
Section 2: Defining the company's status
Section 3: Administration formalities
- Chapter V: Financial Study
Section 1: Forecast revenues and charges
Section 2: Financing package

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