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Under the acacia : Community Report

Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. The Acacia tree - Acacia raddiana
2. OCP in the South - From investing in mines to investing in people
3. It’s all about the people
4. The changes I have seen
5. Phosboucraa Foundation
6. Saltbush - Preserving a way of life
7. Grain - Ingraining success
8. Acacia - No one should face their future alone
9. Olive Tree - A helping hand at growth
10. Tomato - Finding a path forward
11. Alfalfa - A plan to succeed
12. Desert Thyme - Rising to the challenges
13. Maize - Feeding the ambition of local agriculture
14. Date Palm Tree - Rewarding Excellence
15. Blue Panicum - The ‘miracle’ forage crop

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