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Sustainable Food Cold Chains : Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward

Collectivite Auteur : UNEP, FAO
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction
2. Food cold chains : a global perspective
2.1 Food value chain and the key role of the cold chain
2.2 Food loss and its implications
2.3 Current status and future demand for food cold chains
2.4 Drivers of food cold chain growth
2.5 Environmental impacts and the implications of business as usual
3. Sustainable food cold chains
3.1 What are sustainable food cold chains?
3.2 Sustainable food cold chains and the sdgs
3.3 Sustainable food cold chains and equity
4. Designing sustainable food cold chains
4.1 Energy and environmental drivers of sustainable food cold chains
4.2 Key barriers and solutions
4.3 Additional considerations
4.4 System-level thinking and needs-driven integrated approaches
5. Recommendations

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