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Mardi 03 Décembre 2019

NEERI Institutional Repository (IR@NEERI)

Producteur : CSIR - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), India
Période couverte : DE 1979 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Article , Ouvrage Scientifique , Autres
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral

Description :

The NEERI Institutional Repository is an effort towards collection, preservation and dissemination of scholary content of the institute such as Articles in Journals, Books, Conference Papers, Chapters in Books, etc.The NEERI-IR is a step forward towards increasing the visibility of the institute's research globally.The subject areas encompass Environmental Impact Assessment, Air Pollution, Water and Wastwater, Ecosystems Management, Solid Waste, Environmental Materials, Systems Modelling, Genomics, Environmental Health, Biotechnology, etc.

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