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Jeudi 28 Octobre 2010

ePrints Soton

Producteur : University of Southampton (Soton), United Kingdom
Période couverte : DE 1953 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Article , Multimédia , Ouvrage Scientifique , Thèse , Autres
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral

Description :

ePrints Soton is an institutional repository containing research publications from the University of Southampton's. Registered users can set up email alerts to notify them of newly added relevant content. A large number of RSS feeds are available for each subject & sub-discipline for anyone interested in keeping up-to-date with newly added materials. Many items are listed as bibliographic records only and are not available in full-text on this site.

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