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Vendredi 13 Novembre 2015

CREST Repository

Producteur : Consortium for Research Excellence Support and Training (CREST), United Kingdom
Période couverte : DE 1956 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Article , Multimédia , Ouvrage Scientifique , Pré-publications , Autres
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral , Données numériques

Description :

"CREST Collections" is a joint repository for research outputs designed to capture the work of individuals and institutions who are Members of the Consortium for Research Excellence, Support and Training (CREST – visit for more information about the CREST community). In the spirit of interdisciplinarity and collaboration, it showcases research collectively across the institutions and specialist areas, including food security, agriculture, sustainable engineering, art, design, media, performing arts, health, sport, ageing, social welfare, education, the humanities and business studies.

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