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Vendredi 08 Décembre 2017
Carroll Scholars
Producteur : Carroll College, United States
Période couverte :
1999 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Article , Rapport , Thèse , Autres
Types de données : Texte intégral
Description :
"Carroll Scholars" creates:
- A central, easily discoverable place for faculty, students, and departments to showcase, reference, and distribute their work.
- A repository for all textual, visual, and aural scholarship produced by members of the college community.
- A means for long term digital preservation of material.
- A digital archives for historic and college-related material.
- A platform for creating and managing faculty and student publications.
- A gallery for faculty experts and their areas of expertise that can be searched by students, media contacts, and potential collaborators.
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