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Mercredi 20 Novembre 2019

Bowdoin Digital Commons

Producteur : Bowdoin College, United States of America
Période couverte : DE 2000 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Article , Ouvrage Scientifique , Rapport , Thèse , Autres
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral , Image

Description :

The Bowdoin Digital Commons advances scholarship and encourages the growth of scholarly communities through free access, quick discovery, and wide dissemination of digitally published content created by the College’s faculty, students, and administration. By offering a shared venue for the results of original research, literary and artistic expression, teaching and learning, as well as for select College publications, the Bowdoin Digital Commons supports scholarly communications that reach across the boundaries of traditional academic disciplines.

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