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Integrating complexity theory, knowledge management and organizational learning

Auteur : McElroy Mark W.
Année de Publication : 2000
Type : Article
Thème : Gestion des systèmes et réseaux d'information

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chronicles the unfolding convergence of thinking and practice behind knowledge management, organizational learning and complexity theory. Of particular interest are the roles that knowledge management and complexity theory play in this impending consilience of ideas. On the one hand, knowledge management is anxious to rid itself of its overly technology-centric reputation in favor of promoting the role it can play in furthering organizational learning. On the other, complexity theory, a confident solution in search of unorthodox problems, has discovered its own true place in the world, an explanation for the means by which living systems engage in adaptive learning-the seminal source of social cognition in living systems.

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