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Generations of Knowledge Management

Auteur : Firestone Joseph M., McElroy Mark W.
Année de Publication : 2002
Type : Rapport
Thème : Gestion des systèmes et réseaux d'information

Résumé/Sommaire :

Sommaire :

1- Three Views of Change in Knowledge Management
2- The Three Stages of Knowledge Management
- Difficulties with the Three Stages View
3- The Two Ages of Knowledge Management (With a Third Yet to Come)
- Difficulties with the Two Ages View
The Two Generations of Knowledge Management
4- Snowden's Forecast: A Third Age of KM?
- KM and Scientific Management
- KM, Content Management and Context
- Knowledge: Process or Outcome?
- Sense-Making, Complex Adaptive Systems, and the Third Age
5- The Cynefin Model and Its Problems
- Cynefin Conclusions

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