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Auteur : Pecoraro Anne-Marie
Date de publication : 07/07/2005
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Aspects juridiques

Résumé/Sommaire :

Sommaire :

I – How do content owners set security and IPR protection requirements : (digital content distribution and intellectual property rights (IPR) )?
Part I : Technological and information measures - The tools at the service of DRM?
1 -Types of protection measures
2 -Reality of technological measures
Part II : Taking DRMs into account through the protection of technological and information measures
1 -WIPO treaties dated December 1996
2 -Directive dated May 22, 2001
Part III : Efficient protection at the service of DRMs
1 -Prohibited acts
2 -Protection strengthened by European Commission Monitoring Control
Part IV : DRM faced with diverging interests
1 -Contradictions and divergences : the consumers’ expectations
2 -Contradictions and divergences : privacy issues
Part V : Security and IPR protection requirements in licensing
1 -Negotiating agreements and standard terms with rights owners on clearing of rights as well as on technical legal aspects
2 -The role of Collective management societies
II – How will security requirements affect mobile handset manufacturers ?
1 -A necessary cooperation between right holders and industrialists
1 -Statutory Provision (17 U.S.C. 1201(c)(3))
2 -Choosing a system and negotiating a price (patent licence) The importance of the question of interoperability
3 -An example in France of competition issues
III – Liabilities when a handset is hacked ; who is responsible?
1 -The absence of a specific regime in the 2001 directive
2 -The application of general liability rules found in other texts

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