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World Social Protection Report 2017–19 : Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

Auteur : Ortiz Isabel, Behrendt Christina, Canonge James ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement social
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction
1.1 Leaving no one behind: Social protection in the 2030 Development Agenda
1.2 Progress in building social protection systems
1.3 Monitoring social protection in the SDGs : The ILO World Social Protection Database
1.4 Objective and structure of the report . .
2. Social protection for children
2.1 Meeting children’s needs through social protection and realizing child‑related SDGs
2.2 Types of child and family social protection schemes
2.3 Effective coverage: Monitoring SDG indicator
2.4 Expenditure on social protection for children
2.5 The complementary role of cash benefits and childcare services
2.6 Universal social protection to promote well-being of children and families
3. Social protection for women and men of working age
3.1 Introduction : The quest for income security
3.2 Maternity protection
3.3 Unemployment protection
3.4 Employment injury protection
3.5 Disability benefits
4. Social protection for older women and men
Fighting poverty through pension systems
4.1 SDGs and income security in old age
4.2 Types of pension schemes
4.3 Legal coverage
4.4 Effective coverage : Monitoring SDG indicator
4.5 Trends in pension coverage across the world : Achieving universal social protection for all older persons
4.6 Expenditure on social protection for older persons
4.7 Inequalities and the persistent gender gap in access to income security in old age
4.8 The adequacy of pensions to provide genuine income security to older persons
4.9 Reversing pension privatization
4.10 Ensuring income security for older persons: The continuing challenge
5. Towards universal health coverage
5.1 ILO Conventions and other international standards on health protection : An enabling framework to achieve the SDGs
5.2 Deficits in health coverage
5.3 The employment potential of investments in UHC
5.4 Policy priorities to achieve universal health coverage
5.5 Universalizing health coverage : Recent trends
6. Monitoring progress in social protection : Regional trends Monitoring progress in social protection : Regional trends
6.1 Africa
6.2 Americas
6.3 Arab States
6.4 Asia and the Pacific
6.5 Europe and Central Asia
7. Monitoring progress in social protection : Global outlook
7.1 Progress in social protection systems, including floors
7.2 Moving forward towards universal social protection and achieving the SDGs
7.3 A global partnership for universal social protection

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