Auteur :
Bennani Bouchiba
Année de Publication :
Type : Article
Thème : Information et communication
Couverture : Maroc
This study has been done on the influence of social media formats on Al Akhawayn students’ intentions to follow advertising content. The study took place in Morocco, and applied the theory of planned behavior of Ijcek Ajzen (1991). The influence of variables like attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on the intention to follow advertising content on social media formats like Facebook brand pages, online videos, and blogs was tested.
The advertising formats were chosen because of their user’s familiarity. The main findings from this study were that subjective norms and the ease of performing behavior were the most significant predictors of the intention to like Facebook brand pages and to watch online videos.
On the contrary, attitudes, and normative beliefs predicted the intention to follow blogs.