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Territory and Sustainable Economic Development in Morocco

Auteur : Elgraini Mina
Année de Publication : 2013
Type : Article
Thème : Etat – Politique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The magnitude of the challenges that are facing Morocco and that are becoming more pressing as the effects of globalization and the opening up of economies argues for the introduction of new concepts and procedures for territories development that combine progress and social justice, economic efficiency and development of natural resources for sustainable development. The latter can not be guaranteed with the participation and the involvement of all local and regional actors in the design of their territorial development projects.Indeed , while the concept and objectives of sustainable development are universal in nature, the application can only be differentiated according to the areas studied. In Morocco, the magnitude of the challenges that are becoming increasingly pressing as the effects of globalization and the opening up of economies argues for the introduction of new concepts and procedures for regional development that combine progress and social justice, economic efficiency and development of natural resources for sustainable development. The latter can not be guaranteed with the participation and involvement of all local and regional actors in the design of their territorial development projects. Our research intends to discuss issues of sustainable development and its necessary local roots. It is twofold: firstly, to show that a sustainable and equitable development involves the creation of competitive territories, generating wealth and protector of natural resources, on the other hand, emphasize the policy initiated by Morocco in order to sustainable development at local level.

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