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City branding : Town Brand «WeCasablanca »

Auteur : Idrissi Khadija, Snehji Khadija, Hanaty Cherine
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Article
Thème : Etat – Politique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

In an international globalized and digitalized context, regions are called upon to stand out by resorting to communication and promotion tools, and in a larger scale to territorial marketing tools.
Therefore, any debate on territories-applied marketing is virtually habitual among politicians and economic and territorial developers.
Morocco has gone through an important phase in the process of territorialisation through the establishment of genuine economic regions equipped with authority and decision-making autonomy. In this framework, the adoption of territorial marketing has become a must to accompany Morocco’s strategy of regionalization Indeed The territorial brand is a growing phenomenon that offers the possibility to each territory to show its presence, its attributes, but also to extend our awareness, attractiveness and differentiate themselves from competitors.
Since nowadays the territories of promoting excellence areas, think in solutions to differentiate and build an attractive image.
Our research on the brand of cities up immediately in this perspective.
This paper aims to show how city branding, may be a relevant carrier to seat the attractiveness and excellence of territories in general and those of the city of « Casablanca » in particular.
The present work is structured around the following points. The first will be devoted to the theoretical and conceptual foundations of territorial marketing. The second point will highlight the link between the attractiveness of territories and urban marketing. In the third and final point, we will present the Casablanca branding strategy « WeCasablanca ».

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