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Job insecurity and emotional exhaustion among private sector teachers in Morocco : The moderating effect of workplace spirituality

Auteur : Messaoudi Abderrahman, Chaouki Farid, Ouberrka Yahiaa ...[et al.]
Date de publication : 05/02/2024
Type : Article
Thème : Education–Enseignement
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This study aims to investigate the effect of job insecurity on emotional exhaustion and the moderating influence of spirituality at work. We executed a survey using a questionnaire among 196 educators of private schools in the Marrakech-Safi region, Morocco. The data collected have been analyzed via Smart PLS software. The findings of this study support all three hypotheses. Hence, job insecurity has been proved to heighten the level of emotional exhaustion, Moreover, Workplace spirituality has been evidenced to mitigate the causal relationship between the perceived job insecurity and emotional exhaustion. Bearing in mind that the remedial effects of workplace spirituality in instable working environment remain underexplored. The results of this paper are theoretically valuables as they extend knowledge about the role of spirituality in organizations wherein employees are often under the danger of losing their job. Additionally, the findings, unquestionably, profit the managers in education sector seeking to enhance teachers’ wellbeing by the virtue of promoting workplace spirituality.

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