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Corporate social responsibility: The case of moroccan hotels

Auteur : El Makrai Rajae
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Tourisme
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


The First Part: Tourism in Morocco
Chapter 1: Tourism Expenditure
Section 1: Tourism worldwide
Section 2: tourism development and climate change
-Chapter 2: Tourism and Sustainabilitv
Section 1: Suslainable tourism
Section2: sustainable tourism in Morocco
The Second Part
-Chapter 1: Corporate Social Resoonsibilitv in Moroccan hotels
Section 1: Corporate Social Responsibility
Section 2: Corporate Social Responsibilily in Moroccan Hotels
The Third Part: The Questionnaire Analysis
Section 1: Moroccan Hotels Survey Results
Seètion 2: The International and National Touri sts Survey Results

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