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Opportunities for a green restart of the hotel industry arising from the COVID-19 pandemic : Experiences from Cyprus, Germany, Greece and the European Union

Auteur : Schneider Madeline, Weir Jessica, Barckhausen Anton ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Rapport
Thème : Tourisme
Couverture : Chypre

Résumé/Sommaire :

1 Introduction
1.1 Context
1.2 Importance of GHG reduction for the hotel industry
1.3 Status of GHG reduction measures before the COVID-19 outbreak
2 Assessment of the effects of COVID-19 on the hotel industry
2.1 EU wide effects of COVID-19 in the hotel industry
2.2 Consequences of COVID-19 on the hotel industry in the focal countries
2.3 Perceived long-term challenges for the hotel industry
2.4 Effects of COVID-19 on GHG reduction progress
3 Initiatives for COVID-19 recovery
3.1 Recovery strategies and instruments to restart the hotel industry
3.2 Measures addressing GHG reduction together with the economic restart of the hotel industry
4 Policy recommendations to support hoteliers in a shift towards sustainable tourism and GHG emission reduction

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