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Security Issues in Mobile Payment from the Customer Viewpoint

Auteur : Linck Kathrin, Pousttchi Key, Wiedemann Dietmar G
Année de Publication : 2006
Type : Article
Thème : Nouvelle économie
Couverture : Suède

Résumé/Sommaire :

The perception of mobile payment procedures’ security by the customer is one major factor for themarket breakthrough of the according systems. In this paper we examine security issues in mobilepayment from the viewpoint of customers. Based on theoretical research we analyze empirical datafrom the MP2 mobile payment study with 8295 respondents in order to develop a set of dimensions,categories and aspects. The results do have a scientific as well as a practical impact: They provide abasis for the selection of appropriate indicators for further empirical studies. Furthermore they canserve as a guideline for mobile payment service providers in order to prevent security concernsthrough appropriate design and communication of payment procedures and to convince customers ofthe security of their mobile procedures by meeting concerns in informative advertising.

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