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Factory door screening of food products: the potential and limitations of profiling techniques such as NIR

Auteur : Downey Gerard
Date de publication : 21/02/2008
Type : Exposé
Thème : Industrie

Résumé/Sommaire :


- Traceability System Overview

- What do we want to know about these materialls vis-à-vis authenticity?

- How do we address these knowledge requirements?

- Profiling Methods

- TRACE: Tracing Food Commodities in Europe

- Information Type and Specificity of Profiling Methods

- Speed of Analysis and Ease of Industrial Deployment of Profiling Methods

- What type of questions do we ask of the analytical data?

- Cllassiifiicatiion and Discriimiinatiion

- Classification Options

- SIMCA Deployment

- SIMCA Honey Results

- Reasons for Failure

- Discrimination

- Geographic origin of honey

- Conclusions

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