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Basmati Rice – Only Genuine with the right DNA-Fingerprint

Auteur : Nader Werner, Schubbert Rainer
Date de publication : 20/02/2008
Type : Exposé
Thème : Industrie

Résumé/Sommaire :


- Eurofins Food in Germany

- Basmati – some facts

- FSA Survey on Basmati Rice, March 2004

- Consequence: Code of practice

- New definition of Basmati

- Approved Basmati varieties

- Basmati Varieties

- Characteristics of Basmati varieties

- Microsatellite alleles of Basmati

- Allele pattern of rice varieties

- Quantitative evaluation of patterns

- Results of the FSA ring trial, 2007 15

- Biochemistry and genetics of the frangrance

- Results from ÖKOTEST Study, 2006

- Production site of Van Sillevoldt Rijst b.v.

- Farmers unloading on the mandi

- Rice exhibited for buyers

- Threshing

- Packaging in bags after rice being sold

- Loading of truck to the rice mill

- Quarantine area in the rice mill

- Seal of control company

- Unloading of container at Sillevoldt

- Analytical results from 553 rice packages

- Analytical results from 553 rice packages

- Other applications in food analysis

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