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Trade in quality and income distribution: an analysis of the enlarged EU market

Auteur : Latzer Hèlène, Mayneris Florian
Date de publication : 11/05/2011
Type : Exposé
Thème : Commerce
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


- Determinants of trade: supply vs. demand

- Income distribution and vertical comparative advantage

- Content and results

- Consumers (1): Income heterogeneity

- Consumers (2): Non-homothetic preferences

- Low and high quality vs. first necessity and luxury goods

- General equilibrium equations

- Equilibrium definition and comparative statics

- The model in open economy

- Data

- Estimated equation

- Export prices and exporter characteristics

- Export prices and exporter characteristics: additional Controls

- Export prices and exporter characteristics: high- vs. low-countries

- Bilateral approach

- Conclusion

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