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Arab Food Security : Vulnerabilities and Pathways

Auteur : Majdalani Roula, Nejdawi Reem, Byiringiro Fidele ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Agriculture

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Regional food security : fragile before the pandemic
Key messages
A. Food security : a global concern
B. Monitoring food security
C. Is food availability an alarming concern?
D. Access to food : inequalities in the region
E. Deficiencies in food utilization
F. Heightened uncertainty
G. Fragile food security exacerbated by COVID-19
H. Recommendations for action
II. COVID-19 : emerging challenges for food security in the Arab region
Key messages
A. The COVID-19 pandemic
B. A Global burden exposing the vulnerabilities of food systems
C. Disruption of food systems within the region
D. Threats to food availability
E. Disruptions in food access
F. Consumer behaviour
G. Recommendations for action
III. Food security vulnerabilities further pressured by COVID-19 35
Key messages
A. The scarcity of natural resources heavily impacts food security
B. Socioeconomic status and food security
C. Challenges from food import dependency
D. Worsened food security in countries in conflict
E. Recommendations for action
IV. The way forwardb : enhancing food security resilience in the wake of COVID-19 shocks

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