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Using indicators in planning education for rural people : a practical guide

Auteur : Sauvageot Claude, Dias Da Graça Patricia
Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Etude
Thème : Développement humain

Résumé/Sommaire :

The booklet sets out the principles and techniques used to develop tools specifically for the monitoring and guidance of rural education strategies. This should address two basic concerns : - How should the implementation of actions to reduce disparities be evaluated and monitored? ; - How can the progress achieved with respect to the designated goals be measured simply, but with strict accuracy?. The guide focuses particularly on the development of a coherent set of indicators to monitor national education strategies for rural people. Since the issues of access, equity and quality assume somewhat different forms in the rural context, indicators specific to that context must be selected. Another aim of the guide is to promote transparency in the use of the considerable resources that have been, and continue to be, allocated to educational development for rural people. Although the booklet mainly concerns the national level, some guidelines will be provided on producing similar sets of indicators to measure regional diversity within country.

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