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Evaluation Design Report for the Secondary Education Activity of the Morocco Education & Training Project

Auteur : Abarcar Paolo, Bagby Emilie, Lapadatova Galina ...[et al.]
Collectivite Auteur : Mathematica Policy Research
Date de publication : 31/07/2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Introduction
II. The secondary education activity
A. Project description
B. Program logic
C. Literature review
D. Policy relevance of the evaluation
III. Evaluation design
A. Research questions and overview of the evaluation
B. RCT to evaluate the MIAES subactivity
C. Qualitative study of the MIAES, assessment and EMIS, and O&M subactivities
D. Ensuring data quality
E. Cost analyses
F. Overall timing of implementation, data collection, and reporting
G. Reporting schedule and dissemination plan
H. Key challenges to the evaluation and strategies to mitigate them
IV. Evaluation administration and management
A. Institutional review board requirements and clearances
B. Data access, privacy, and documentation
C. Evaluation team roles and responsibilities

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