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Doors to Discovery : what Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report

Collectivite Auteur : Institute of Education Sciences
Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Rapport
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

"Doors to Discovery"[TM] is an early childhood curriculum that uses thematic units to engage young children and support them as they build an understanding of their world. "Doors to Discovery"[TM] literacy activities are used to encourage children’s development in a number of areas identified by research as the foundation for early literacy success : oral language, phonological awareness, concepts of print, alphabet knowledge, writing, and comprehension. One study of "Doors to Discovery"[TM] met the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence standards. This study included 76 classrooms in universal pre-kindergarten, Head Start, or Title I programs in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area and examined intervention effects on children’s oral language, print knowledge, and phonological processing. This report focuses on immediate posttest findings to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. The WWC considers the extent of evidence for "Doors to Discovery"[TM] to be small for oral language, print knowledge, and phonological processing.

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