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Decentralization in education : national policies and practices

Collectivite Auteur : UNESCO
Année de Publication : 2005
Type : Synthèse / Résumé
Thème : Développement humain
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This volume, entitled Decentralization in education: national policies and practices, summarizes the presentations and debates of the participants in the “International Seminar on Decentralization Policies and Strategies in Education”, which UNESCO organized in Argentina from 30 June to 3 July 2003. Nine countries from Africa, Asia, Europe and America took part in the discussions: Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Cyprus, Morocco, Pakistan and Peru. The introductory part of the document discusses the questions raised, the seminar objectives and the characteristics of the participating institutions and countries. THe first part goes on to consider national experiences and the challenges of decentralization policies in education. The salient aspects of each experience and crosscutting studies are summed up in the second part. The third part summarizes the highlights of the proceedings of the Buenos Aires seminar and the recommendations of representatives of the participating countries.

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