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Unleashing the Potential of Capacity Development for Climate Action : Fixing a Broken Link on the Pathway to Transformational Change

Auteur : Rokitzki M., Hofemeier A.
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Etude
Thème : Droit de l’environnement

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Setting the scene
2. The bugs in the system of funding, delivering and sustaining impacts from capacity development measures
3. Possible solutions
4. Spotlights on selected solution areas
4.1 From Measuring to Learning - Enhanced Use of Existing Approaches to Better Monitor, Evaluate and Measure Outcomes of Capacity Development
4.2 The Science-Politics Interface – The Role of Knowledge Brokers and Boundary Organisations
4.3 Flexible and Adaptive Fund Management – From Controlling the Use of Funds to Supporting the Emergence of Capacity
4.4 Long-Term Approaches Are Needed – Sustaining the Legacy of Project Impacts
4.5 Climate Action Is ‘Only’ One Piece in Complex Development Challenges – Embedding Climate Policy and Projects into Diverse Contexts
4.6 Moving Beyond the Expert Paradigm – Removing Unconducive Power Relations and Enabling Co-Creation

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