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Analytical Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals

Auteur : Al-Aizari H., Achaouch A., Fadli M. ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Article
Thème : Chimie de l’environnement
Couverture : Yémen

Résumé/Sommaire :

Heavy metals contamination Sources are released into the environment by both natural and anthropogenic sources, industrial activities, especially mining and automobile exhausts (for lead), where are washed away by run-off into surface waters, thereby resulting in soil pollution and subsequently groundwater pollution. The main aim of this paper is to determine the levels/concentration of some heavy metals such as (Copper(Cu2+), Cadmium(Cd2+), Selenium(Se4+), Mercury(Hg2+), Arsenic(Ar2+), Lead(Pb2+), Zinc(Zn2+), Cyanide(CN-), Aluminum(Al3+) and Boron(B3+)) in groundwater of Dhamar basin and to compare the result obtained with (WHO) standards. The obtained result of more samples showed that ((Copper(Cu2+), Cadmium(Cd2+), Selenium(Se4+), Mercury(Hg2+), Arsenic(Ar2+), Lead(Pb2+), Zinc(Zn2+), Cyanide(CN-)) were within the permissible limit except one water sample (Well 4). the contamination of the last one is due to the effluent of Dhamar WWTP. On the other hand, a high concentration level of Aluminum(Al3+) and Boron(B3+) is found in all samples were higher than the permissible limit set by WHO. The obtained results show that all water samples are potable and can be safely used for both drinking except one water sample (Well 4).

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