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Environment Canada Proficiency Testing Program Final Report for Major Ions, Nutrients and Total Phosphorus in Water

Auteur : Tinson C. ; Simser J. ; Agemian H.
Collectivite Auteur : Environment Canada. Water Science and Technology Directorate
Date de publication : 01/03/2009
Type : Rapport
Thème : Chimie de l’environnement
Couverture : Canada

Résumé/Sommaire :

Interlaboratory proficiency testing (PT) studies are an important part of assuring the accuracy and comparability of analytical results.

In this study, results are evaluated for systemic bias and precision. Systemic bias is tested with the non-parametric method of Youden and precision is tested with the “robust analysis algorithm A” found in Annex C of ISO 13528:2005. The total of flagged results and biased methods gives the proficiency rating for each laboratory. The former is extremely important for comparing data sets from different origins and the latter measures the reliability of the data.

Proficiency ratings for laboratories are given in relative terms. In real terms, laboratories with good performance have few flagged results and laboratories with poor performance may have many flagged results. Results are summarized in individual laboratory appraisals and z-score summaries, which are sent to the laboratory managers. The PT program provides an objective, third-party performance assessment as a tool to help laboratories generate reliable and accurate analytical measurements.

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