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Climate Change and Water in Africa : Analysis of Knowledge Gaps and Needs

Année de Publication : 2011
Type : Etude
Thème : Atmosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :

The water resource of Africa is increasingly being stressed due to the climate change variability and increased demand over the continent. Africa has suffered the consequences of climate change and climate variability at various periods over the last century, the recurrence of the impacts have shown increasing tendency over the last 40 years. Observational evidences show that many vital water resources of Africa such as Lakes, river and snow covers on the high mountains are showing persistent sign of decreasing.

The future impact of climate on the water resources of Africa remains uncertain and requires high level of scientific interaction and communication to policy makes through better understanding of the impact and developing long term and medium term preparedness strategy (adaptation) which is cost effective and considers the future uncertainty. The scientific knowledge and understanding of climate change science in Africa however requires a fresh look such developing new African GCM model that incorporates the complexities of Atmosphere ‐Ocean circulation, the local climate drivers and feedbacks, reconstruction and integration of all available data which was not previously used, separate accounting of climatic and non‐climatic impacts on the water resources…

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