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Résumé/Sommaire :

This research work is focused on the study of the gravitational instabilities of the Tit N'Ziza, El ksiba landslide in the Imhiwach-El Ksiba area of the Central High Atlas of Morocco and on the role of geological, hydrogeological and mechanical factors in triggering landslides. The purpose of this scientific approach is to identify the direct and indirect causes of this risk in a context of climate change.
The approach of the study is both quantitative (calculations) and of course qualitative by field verification and validation from historical data. At the end of this work, the various geological, hydrogeological and mechanical factors were defined in the landslide in order to determine the triggering causes. The results show that the geological nature, the slope, the vegetation cover are the indirect factors of the landslide, and that the impact of climate change on hydrogeology and local hydrology are the main natural direct factors of such landslides, we can also include the anthropic action that affect the stability of slopes in the phase of equipment works or mining and quarrying materials. This study has improved the understanding of gravity instability for possible solution to the problem.

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