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A Guiding Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience

Année de Publication : 2014
Type : Livre
Thème : Atmosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Introduction
2. The Toolkit
2.1. The Aim and Scope of the Toolkit
2.2. Main Sources of information Used in Developing the Toolkit
2.3. Audience
2.4. Toolkit Logic
2.5. Why Another Toolkit: The Added Value
2.6. Toolkit Setup
2.7. Toolkit Application
2.8. Toolkit Structure
2.8.1. Developing Initial Vision and Understanding the System
2.8.2. Vulnerability Assessment
2.8.3. Adaptation Strategy Development
2.8.4. Planning
2.8.5. Implementation
2.8.6. Reflection
3. SEARCH Resilience Framework
3.1. Defining Resilience
3.2. Resilience Framework
3.3. Resilience assessment
3.3.1. Model structure
3.3.2. Model results
4. Conclusions and Next steps – Meeting the Scaling-up Challenge
4.1. Engaging leaders to support and communicate the process
4.2. Building capacity for replicating the process
4.3. Kick-starting adaptation by catalysing innovation

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