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Emissions Gap Report 2018

Auteur : Olhoff Anne, Christensen John, Kuramochi Takeshi ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Atmosphère

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Trends and progress towards the Cancun pledges, NDC targets and peaking of emissions
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Peaking of greenhouse gas emissions
2.3 Current global emissions : status and trends
2.4 Assessment of current policies: are G20 members on track to meet the Cancun pledges for 2020 and NDC targets for 2030, and to peak their emissions?
Chapter 3 : The emissions gap
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scenarios considered and updates made
3.3 The emissions gap in 2030
3.4 Temperature implications of the NDCs
3.5 Implications of 2030 emission levels
Chapter 4 : Bridging the gap: Strengthening NDCs and domestic policies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Rationale and context for enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions
4.3 Options for Parties to enhance mitigation ambition
4.4 Strengthening domestic policies
4.5 The scope for bridging the emissions gap through enhanced ambition and strengthened action
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 : Bridging the gap: The role of non-state and subnational actors
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Non-state and subnational actors and climate change negotiations: from Paris to Katowice
5.3 Overview of cooperative initiatives and individual commitments by non-state and subnational actor
5.4 The potential contribution of non-state and subnational actors to enhancing ambition and bridging the 2030 emissions gap
5.5 Opportunities for harnessing the potential of NSA climate action to enhance ambition and bridge the emissions gap
Chapter 6 : Bridging the gap: Fiscal reforms for the low-carbon transition
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The current state of fiscal policies and their potential for the low-carbon transition
6.3 The political economy of green fiscal reform and carbon taxes: lessons learned
6.4 Addressing the broader fiscal policy framework: policy packages, coordination and alignment
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7 : Bridging the gap: The role of innovation policy and market creation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Innovation policies
7.3 Solar photovoltaic innovation
7.4 Barriers to implementing innovation policy
7.5 Conclusion: opportunities and challenges

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