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Résumé/Sommaire :

Because of the lack of water supply in the last years and the increase of the industrial sector in the world, purification of the wastewater became an obligatory process to improve and purify the water, remove some or all of the contaminants and making it fit for reuse or discharge back to the environment. In this study, we tested the effect of purified industrial wastewater discharged from CMCP of Kenitra city on the growth of tomato plant (Lycopersicon esculentum).
After testing the agronomical parameters we found that the highest fresh weight is observed in plants irrigated with drinking water and those irrigated with unpurified wastewater have shown the lowest fresh weight. Also the growth of tomato plants irrigated with drinking water were higher than plants treated with purified wastewater, followed by plants treated with percentages of 25, 75 and finally with unpurified wastewater.

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