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Lundi 08 Juillet 2019

The EAC Information Repository (EACIR)

Producteur : East African Community (EAC), Tanzania
Période couverte : DE 1995 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Multimédia , Rapport , Autres
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral , Image

Description :

The EAC Information Repository is a one-stop-shop platform of digital information and knowledge generated by EAC Organs and Institutions in execution of their various mandates since 1993. The Institutional Repository was established in order to provide visibility, accessibility and effective dissemination of EAC information and knowledge to all stakeholders, as well as preserve the EAC institutional memory for future generations and prosperity. The Information and knowledge is mainly institution-specific comprising of the various materials including among others, treaties, protocols, development strategies, studies, speeches, parliamentary debates, court proceedings, photos, videos and documentaries of key events and milestones of the EAC integration process.

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