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Mercredi 29 Mai 2013


Producteur : Aquaculture Department (AQD), Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) (SEAFDEC), Philippines
Période couverte : DE 1974 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Article , Ouvrage Scientifique , Rapport
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral

Description :

Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department Institutional Repository (SAIR) is the official digital repository of scholarly and research information of the department. This is to enable the effective dissemination of AQD researchers' in-house and external publications for free and online. The repository uses DSpace, an open source software, developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries. It is an Open Archives Initiative (OAI)-compliant.Initially, the repository shall contain preprints, full-texts or abstracts of journal articles, books and conference proceedings written by SEAFDEC/AQD scientists and researchers. The aim is to promote these publications especially those published in international peer-reviewed journals and generate higher citation through increased visibility.It will also provide free access to all in-house publications of SEAFDEC/AQD. Full-text digitized copies of fishfarmer-friendly materials like books, handbooks, policy guidebooks, conference proceedings, extension manuals, institutional reports, annual reports (AQD Highlights), and newsletters (SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture, Aqua Farm News, AquaDept News and AQD Matters) can be retrieved and downloaded.Some items are not available as Full-Text. Users may set up RSS and Atom feeds to be alerted to new content.

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