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Mardi 15 Février 2011

Journal of Radiology Case Reports

Producteur : EduRad, Unites States
Période couverte : DE 2007 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Alerte d'informations
Types de données : Références bibliographiques , Texte intégral , Image

Description :

The "Journal of Radiology Case Reports" is dedicated to provide open-access, high-quality, peer-reviewed Radiology case reports and educational review articles.

The "Journal of Radiology Case Reports" is a new kind of journals for Radiology case reports. The peer review and editorial process conforms to international standards of peer reviewed scientific journals. However there are significant differences: This journal is dedicated solely to Radiology case reports. Case reports are usually "neglected" by large or traditional journals, mainly due to competition with "higher value" articles (review, original research etc.) for valuable space in the hardcopy version of the journal. As a consequence, it becomes increasingly difficult to publish interesting casuistics in a peer-reviewed environment. This was one reason why this online journal was born - to give the opportunity to publish Radiology case reports.

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