Producteur : Agropedia, IIT Kanpur (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur), India
Période couverte :
1975 A Aujourd'hui
Langue : EN
Genre : Acte de congrés , Alerte d'informations , Enquête , Norme , Ouvrage Scientifique , Pré-publications , Rapport , Thèse
Types de données : Texte intégral
Openagri is a much more focused research space provided by agropedia.Openagri is a content management platform for hosting agriculture documents.It has document types like Journal Articles,Conference Papers, Book, Book Chapters,Proceedings, Preprints,Multimedia content etc. which allows useful metadata to enable searching and retrieval. For each document being uploaded into this repository,a set of appropriate keywords are assigned automatically from agrotags.A power search interface allows documents to be located easily semantically.