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The Changing Definition of U.S. Libraries

Auteur : Hartman Tracy
Année de Publication : 0
Type : Article
Thème : Bibliothèque

Résumé/Sommaire :

American libraries currently face a dramatic shift in how they are perceived, both by the public and by lawmakers. In order to preserve the traditional values observed by li brarians, such as patron privacy and access to information, libraries must also preserve the traditional associations that have defi ned them. The value of libraries has been under mined by the threat of terrorism and the subsequent political pressure to find blame for the terrorist attacks. Librarians must choose whether or not to stick to the traditional library brand, or evolve and market libraries as something else. Without public support, defi nitions will not change easily. The Ameri can public still views the library as a place to read and fi nd books,and this defi nition must prevail for libraries to retain their relevance in American life.

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